Communicating and Engaging with Science Minor

As a major land-grant university, it is our obligation to offer a compilation of courses that teach students how to communicate and engage with science, how to understand scientific information that is communicated in various ways, and to ask informed questions and generate their own ideas about scientific topics. The Communicating and Engaging with Science minor offers a set of courses open to all undergraduate VT students that fulfills this need in an intentional way.
What is it?
The Communicating and Engaging with Science minor exposes STEM-based students to concepts and practices of effective communication, and it gives students in non-STEM majors a comprehensive group of quantitative courses in the context of science communication. Students in this minor will benefit from programs hosted by the VT Center for Communicating Science that until now had been reserved for graduate students.
Why do it?
For STEM majors, these skills are valuable for the workplace or graduate school. For all students, they are essential for navigating life. To make informed decisions about health, politics, finances, and more, VT students must critically interpret the scientific information they encounter daily. This includes identifying and avoiding misinformation or misinterpretations of scientific findings.
The 18-hour minor in Communicating and Engaging with Science includes two foundational tracks. Track A is intended for Non-STEM majors and Track B is intended for STEM majors. Each track includes two introductory 3-hour courses. All students in the minor will then take a similar path of 6 hours of required mid-level Pathways courses and 3 hours of restricted electives, and 3 advanced hours of a capstone course.

Track A (recommended for non-STEM majors)
STAT 1014: Data in Our Lives -OR-
CMDA 2014: Data Matter
STAT 2004: Introductory Statistics -OR-
STAT 3604: Statistics for Social Science
ENGL 4824: Science Writing
TA 2404: Introduction to Applied Collaborative Techniques
LAHS 4024: Communicating and Engaging with Science Capstone
Track B (recommended for STEM Majors)
COMM 2004: Public Speaking
ADV 2134: Introduction to Health Communication
ENGL 4824: Science Writing
TA 2404: Introduction to Applied Collaborative Techniques
LAHS 4024: Communicating and Engaging with Science Capstone
Then, students can take one elective in English; Philosophy; Statistics; or Science, Technology, and Society to enhance their understanding of science in society based on their major. An additional humanities elective gives STEM majors more practice in an area that is typically not included in the curriculum associated with their scientific field of study, thus advancing their skills for communicating and engaging with science. An additional STEM elective will attract non-STEM students who have already completed foundational coursework in Quantitative and Computational Thinking. For a complete list of elective courses, consult the Academic Catalog.
Who is it for?
This minor is intended for all students, regardless of discipline. Upon completion of this minor, students will be well equipped to engage in communication and thought about scientific topics, regardless of their primary discipline. They will be able to critically evaluate scientific information, ask thoughtful questions, identify and debunk misinformation or misinterpretation of scientific findings, and apply science to their daily lives.
This minor is hosted by the Academy of Transdisciplinary Studies in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences in collaboration with numerous departments across Virginia Tech.
Pathways Concepts
Possible Core Concepts*
1a - Advanced/Applied Discourse
2 - Critical Thinking in the Humanities
3 - Reasoning in the Social Sciences
4 - Reasoning in the Natural Sciences
7 - Critical Analysis of Identity and Equity in the United States
*Students are guaranteed to meet at least three of the core concepts listed
Integrative Concepts
Ethical Reasoning
Intercultural and Global Awareness